
Crocheted Ropes

Google for Crochet Ropes Images
Mariam's album Lots of charts

Chain maille

Кольчужное и проволочное плетение  Forum

Aspect Ratio pdf table from The Ring Lord
Archmaille Sterling Silver Jewelry Store
Blue Buddha Boutique

CGmaille - patterns, tutorials and more
Chainmail BasketChainmaille By MBOI Custom Chainmaille Jewelry Specializing in Sterling Silver Weaves, ARs, Units, Tables - very useful stuff
Crescent Maille Gallery, shop, blog - sooooo many pics in gallery

Dylon While's Art of Chainmaille
Diary - lots of chainmaille items. Looks like someone did a lot of work putting it all togethere.
Diary Instructions - lots of interesting instructions

Hand made Jewellry Club
HellCat Jewelry blog with nice chainmaille items

Jewelry Lessons Tutorials yoo can download. The link takes you to Chainmaille tutorials
Jump Ring Lady lots of patterns and tutorials
Lorraine's chains Chainmaille Jewelry ~ Wearable Art

Maillers Worldwide

PK Jewelry 4u Handmade beaded and Chain Maille Jewelry

Rapt in Maille 
Rebeca Mojica's web site

Spiderchain Chainmail Jewelry

Unkamengifts photo tutorials

Wire Lace

Lenka's Wire bobbin lace. Unique 3D bobbin lace made with 0.2mm wire
GOSIKO Wire bobbin lace. German site

Wire Wrapping

Rings Tutorial for making unique rings