Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Greek spiral

Row 1: 1r, 1g, 1r, 5w
Row 2: 1r, 1g, 1r, 1w, 3r, 1w
Row 3: 1r, 1g, 3r, 1g, 1r, 1w
Row 4: 1r, 5g, 1r, 1w
Row 5: 1r, 1g, 5r, 1w

r - red, g - gold, w - white
8 beads in a row

For the cord 42cm long I have to thread 3,5 meters of beads. Oh, almost forgot, beads are size  #8.

Here is the final result. It is waiting to be assembled into a choker.

A little bead stash

Here is a glimps of my bead stash. I decided it will be enough to have five colours of beads, 500 grams each. When I received my order I was surprized to find out I've ordered four colours, but dark berry colour was ordered twice. So I have one kilo o f dark berry beads! Well, it will have to do.

The little packet with "bead soup" was a present from the shop.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

My new obsession

Recently I've discovered how to make stunning necklaces using crochet hook. Immediately I bought some seed beads and started to crochet.

Have you ever touched a snake in a zoo (for example)? These necklaces fill just like that. Or like a nice bag or shoes made of snake or crocodile skin. It feels lovely.

You can bend them, tie them in a knot. They look just fab! I love them.

Depending on how many beads are in a row the flexibility of the cord varies. The most flexible are those made on 5 or 6 beads.

Here in the pic I made some samples on 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 beads in a row.

Wellcome to my new blog!

Hi everyone!

I've decided to create separate blog for my jewelry making hobby. Here I am going to post about my projects, some notes and patterns, maybe master-classes. Well, stuff like that.